Our Approach

We believe that wine should be Groucho Marx fun, rather than black tie serious.

Our Story

As a wine educator Peg Melnik wants to bring fine wine and its enjoyment to more people. Whether you’re a wine geek or a novice, Melnik wants to reel you in with her unorthodox wine class where hijinks and pranks are built into the curriculum.

With the sprint of life in mind, Melnik has created material that can be digested in a series of 1-minute increments. Who doesn’t have 1 minute to spare for an injection of whimsy and mirth?

Melnik is fond of the phrase “It’s criminal not to eat caviar.” This, of course, is a metaphor for living the good life. Melnik believes far too many people are missing the joy of wine by being black tie serious. Her mission is to correct that with her mischievous ways. She’s determined to have the broadest reach in sharing the good life because the bald faced truth is … it’s criminal not to eat caviar.

Fun shoes go with wine! One Wine Minute
An excellent "pairing:" fun shoes and fine wine!
One Wine Minute - Tourists on the Ferry
One Wine Minute on the ferry to Alcatraz, with an impromptu wine tasting!

Meet the Owner and Chief Instigator

Peg Melnik, One Wine Minute

Peg Melnik

Peg Melnik is a cuisine commando, fun instigator, travel troubador and font of wine expertise. Her mission is to spread the joy of wine, travel and the good life to all. She is the lead author of “Explorer’s Guide: The Napa & Sonoma Book,” now in its 10thedition. You'll find Peg around Santa Rosa, CA in her disguise as a working mom and professional.

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